
Hi, my name is Jes

On this site I share my bottomless passion for good food, big adventures and green spaces. You can learn more about my wellness programming, cooking and gardening classes and Ayurvedic offerings here.

Chickens in the City

Chickens in the City

“Bringing chickens into your backyard is a great way to slow down and bring a little bit more farm and country into your life.”

Today I had the pleasure of visiting my friend’s eleven chickens in Vancouver, WA. They live in an adorable little coup he built in his family’s back yard in the city. The lovely little hens (no roosters allowed in the city limits) would scratch and dig, looking for a little bug or worm to nibble. The girls made the most comforting little cooing and clucking sounds. The owner was able to easily pick-up the girls without much fuss (and just a little chase).   I was advised not to leave poopy chicken eggs on the ground if you have a small child (Yucky).

They are sweet little companions, offering a bonus food source to boot. Bringing chickens into your backyard is a great way to slow down and bring a little bit more farm and country into your life. Some cities have heavily debated in-city chicken ordinances, but most townships are more than accommodating given the urban farm movement.

If you’re interested in making chickens a part of your home life, the following website is a great place to start: Urban Chickens.

I also highly recommend the PBS Documentary The Natural History of the Chicken.

Everything is Waiting for You

Everything is Waiting for You

The Hills of Ireland

The Hills of Ireland