
Hi, my name is Jes

On this site I share my bottomless passion for good food, big adventures and green spaces. You can learn more about my wellness programming, cooking and gardening classes and Ayurvedic offerings here.

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Day 19

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Day 19



DAY 19: I am grateful for the abundance of pumpkins available during this chilly season. One of my favorite treats! I adore all things pumpkin.

SUGGESTED GRATITUDE PRACTICE: Eat lots of your favorite fruits and vegetables today, and tasty treats made out of those healthy favorites. Give thanks.*In honor of the spirit and joy of Thanksgiving, I am taking a moment every day this month to share a little something I'm grateful for. Of course, I'm always grateful for you, my readers. Thank you for taking the time to visit. For more thoughts on gratitude you can see my previous posts here and here.

Buttermilk Pumpkin Pie Pancakes with Sorghum Butter

Buttermilk Pumpkin Pie Pancakes with Sorghum Butter

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Days 12 through 18

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Days 12 through 18